Local Development Mitigation Fee

Local Development Mitigation Fee

The Local Development Mitigation Fee (LDMF) is a component of the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) to provide fund of the acquisition and long term management of conservation land within the CVMSHCP boundary. The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) administers the LDMF program and conserves land on behalf of the CVMSHCP’s local signatories. The LDMF, like all impact fees, is authorized through California’s Mitigation Fee Act, government code §66000-66025.

Payment of the LDMF is commonly due ahead of issuing either a building permit or a certificate of occupancy.

Current Fee Schedule

LDMF Category Assessment Unit Current Rate*
Commercial/Industrial Acre $7,485
Residential 0-8 units per acre Dwelling unit $1,685
Residential 8.1–14 units per acre Dwelling unit $700
Residential 14+ units per acre Dwelling unit $310

*Last Updated July 1, 2024. Rates may change to keep pace with inflation or to reflect an updated Nexus Report.

Fee Resources

CVCC Fee Estimator
Use this tool to estimate your development project’s LDMF obligations.
Note: this tool will also estimate the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee, administered by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments.

LDMF Nexus Report
The Nexus Report identifies the necessary conservation actions and associated costs required to implement the CVMSCHP to determine a reasonable fee rate.

LDMF Annual Report
The Annual Report identifies the revenues generated by the LDMF as well as the capital improvement projects funded by its collection during the most recent fiscal year.