Frequently Asked Questions

Not only does the CVMSHCP protect 27 species of plants and animals that are threatened or facing extinction, including the Desert Tortoise, Peninsular bighorn sheep, and Desert Pupfish but it also safeguards natural wonders in the Coachella Valley such as Whitewater Canyon, the link between Joshua Tree National Park and the Indio Hills, and opportunities for new trails. These protected wonders are now be part of a growing system of open space, parks, trails and reserves
Private property owners inside the conservation area have the option to pursue development consistent with the Plan or offer their land for sale at fair market value. Significant funds to acquire land from willing sellers are available in the early years of the Plan
The CVMSHCP is a conservation plan that will conserve over 240,000 acres of open space and protect 27 species, safeguarding the desert’s natural heritage for future generations. The CVMSHCP provides a regional vision for balanced growth to meet the requirements of federal and state endangered species laws and helps to expedite transportation improvement projects, while promoting enhanced opportunities for recreation, tourism and job growth.
The Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC), a joint powers authority of elected representatives, will oversea and manage the Plan. The CVCC has no regulatory powers and no land use authority. Its primary purpose is to buy land from willing sellers in the conservation areas and to manage that land. CVCC meetings are open to the public and held on the second Thursday of every month.